(logo)  Program 1: General

On this settings page, you can change some general settings.

Temp path

This is the directory where AWeb will create its temporary files. Temporary files are needed for several reasons: retrieved files for an external viewer, downloaded files, source files for inlined images, and swapped documents.

Type the full path name, or click the Drawer button to pop up a standard drawer requester.

Save path

AWeb will always ask where to save a downloaded file, or the HTML source when using the Project / Save As menu function. The default save path will be the initial drawer used in the save file requester.

Scroll overlap

If you scroll up or down by a page, there is some overlap. Bacause you might want to have a larger overlapping area when you are using a larger font, you can change the overlap size.

Set this gadget to the desired overlap size, measured in pixels.


Use these four gadgets to fine-tune the amount of cache AWeb should use.

All sizes should be given in kB.

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